
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Day 11- dreams ended

With my diagnosis of T1D, my dream of joining the Marine Corps ended.
I had plans to sign up after high school, become a Marine, and serve my country.
That ended the moment my doc said "You have Type 1 Diabetes" and my plans were shredded.
I lost my goal, I lost my hopes and dreams. I also gained a deeper appreciation for those who COULD serve by defending our nation.
I learned more about other options, and started new dreams, new goals.

I changed my plan from being a member of our military to getting a college degree. I had never had plans to be a mother, but knew I wanted a husband one day.

Over the following years, my goals were reached, and my plans changed even more. I have infertility issue and am beyond thankful for God blessing us with two babies who made it to birth and are thriving little girls now. We were also blessed with a third pregnancy but that one didn't end up with a live baby, we lost that one early on. We planned on the number of children we would have but T1D, hypothyroidism, and ultimately God let us know we would have to adjust our plans to just our two girls.

One thing about Type 1 that I dislike greatly, and need to learn to accept without anger more fully, is its ability to change my plans, both short and long term.

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