
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christmas season for us.

Berry is 5. Ack, my baby will be in kindergarten in the fall.
Bear is 2. She'll be in morning preschool in the fall.
Me? Well, I'm going back to school to start the path to become a nurse.
Life is chaos and I miss simpler times.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


I get these ideas, get all excited about them, even start on some then fizzle out. I need some accountability for myself. I am using this dusty old blog to go for it.
1) Chickens- living creatures, not fizzling on them and we are working on the coop, so "check" for today. They have fresh water and will be fed later today.
2) Meds, have insulin pump on, need to take thyroid I have taken my pill.
3) Have my sewing machine out but have no projects lined up yet, will research some of those later if I have time.
4) Beta-reading a novel for a family member, reading at night after kids are in bed is working best for that. Enjoying the novel.
5) Cleaning:
                  (A) Kitchen- clean counters, dishes, sweep, mop. take out garbage
                  (B) Dining- clear table, clean tablecloth, sweep, mop
                  (C) Living- Vacuum, help kids put away toys, straighten shoe rack
                  (D) Kids' room- Put away toys, make beds, put away laundry
                  (E) Office- put away bed frame, vacuum, take out garbage
                  (F) Guest bath- sweep, mop, pick up toys, clean counter, clean toilet
                  (G) Master bath- clean rugs, counter, toilet, take out trash
                  (H) Master bedroom- vacuum, make bed, dust, do all laundry
6) Still need to find a day to clean windows and do other spring cleaning items that haven't been done yet.
7) I need to make a home in my room for my treadmill, and to clean the treadmill before it comes inside, it's very dusty and has garage dust allllll over it. Ew. I have been inspired by a neighbor to try the couch to 5k program. I found a free app for my phone and tried it out on the treadmill this morning. It was amazing. The nice little euphoric grace from that 25 minute walk/run was worth it and I want more.
8) Must still make time to feed the family. They like eating daily, go figure >.<

Monday, May 11, 2015

There will be brooders.

I was browsing craigslist a few weeks ago, and ran across an ad for miniature horses. I jokingly called the hubs and begged and pleaded for the tiny equines for ten minutes. With my voice full is laughter and laced with mischief I cajoled and sort of whined. Then I dropped in because we are in no position to get an four legged critters more exotic than a new kitten.
 However, I saw a photo a friend posted to her own wall. Her daughter had been cuddling a chick perched on her shoulder while reading. They live in Alaska, and I figured that if they can keep those birds alive and well for years now, I can do the same in the Midwest.
The day following the miniature pony joke, I told the hubs about my desire to raise chickens for eggs. He agreed, and now we have 5 chicks in a brooder, smelling up my laundry room. We have a small coop and will be building a larger one soon. There are four Ameraucanas/Easter Eggers and one Rhode Island Red.
 They're too cute for words and I'm getting them used to being handled.

My Baby Bear will be two this month, and Berry-Girl will be starting tee-ball this summer.
Life is going along so very swiftly. My firstborn baby girl knows how to write her letters, practices her shapes, can hold pretty lively conversations, and she amazes me daily with how aware of her surroundings she seems. My Baby Bear, my second child, my spitfire, she is walking, talking, climbing, counting, singing, dancing, smiling constantly, and is simply perpetual motion.

I am at a place in life where I feel content, joyful, settled, and at peace with things as they are; while simultaneously wishing for a bit more. I want to get a job outside the home, to feel useful financially, and to contribute to our budget. Then all the things that would need to be juggled for that to happen come to mind. Finding a trustworthy daycare, finding the money in the budget to get a certification for my desired job, juggling classes and being full time mommy because we never know when Mr K will be home that night or off in another state for work, and ensuring that by the time I am certified that there is a need for the job I am training for. The part of me that absolutely hates the idea of missing anything my children do more than I already have to has won out or have been relived when I've learned that a job I've applied for has been offered to someone else.

So, instead of agonizing over the whole job thing I'm going to keep on trying to stay within budget, do my best to find ways to cut spending and not so patiently wait for Baby Bear to start preschool so I can get a job while the kids are in school.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

For Mom

Hi Mom,
I think you are my only reader!

Life is a true blessing. I have moment I have to overcome. Moment when I feel so overwhelmed, where my temper is short and my kids see a grumpy mom rather than a happy one. I'm working hard on maintaining control and staying calm. When my bloodsugars are messed up, I have a much harder time staying calm. I've been better about remembering to take my thyroid medicine, to take my insulin as needed, and to test my blood. I'm no where near perfect, but I am working on it. I have a husband and two girls to care for; I need to be here, and be healthy, to do this.
My Berry-Girl is 4, she is in preschool, she loves all things princess, tea parties, animals, bikes, tee-ball, helping others, and being a mommy to her babies. My baby is nearly two now. Baby Bear is whirlwind of loves, cuddles, giggles. She follows her sister around like a duckling. They fight, the laugh, they play, and they love each other more than anything.
We have our two pups, our cat, and now we have 5 new babies! We welcome Ada, Caramel, Inca, Molly, and Tinker to our family today. They are one week old Ameraucana chicks, they are all female chicks and are going to be giving us eggs in a few months when they are mature. We have them in a brooder, and will be building a coop over the next few weekends.
The awesomest of all husbands has put down quite a few pavers, making a beautiful walkway and patio. We now have a nature path leading from our backyard to the farm fields on the far side of our property.
 Overall, life is blessed.