
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Family time.

The girls and I are going to follow my sweet husband to work out-of-town this week. We leave in about 7 hours.  Everyone else is sleeping. I, however, am wide awake.
My goal for this trip is to be with my daughters and have quality one on two time with them for the few days we are away.
There is a hotel pool but am hoping the allure of a whirpool tub is more to their liking. I'm intimidated by having two kids who are not strong swimmers alone in a pool.

This year I am going back to school. I plan to attend a pre-nursing program at the local community college. It's a start for my career, which I have finally settled on after going through and getting a BA in a completely different field. This feels right.
Berry girl will be starting Kindergarten in the fall and Baby Bear will be going to preschool. Mommy will be starting as well, hopefully once all the financial things are taken care of.

I am working very hard to control my diabetes. Due to changes with my chosen insulin pump's company, My plan is to switch to a new pump. I tried out the omni pod and it just is not for me.

Animal count is as follows:
 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 4 hens.
 All but one hen has stopped laying for the winter, despite there being an artificial light source. That's alright. The coop is built but I think it could use some more fine tuning this spring, when we have some warm weather to work with. They need a permanent run to go with the coop. For now they free range and that is how I lost one of my white hens and we only have 4 now. She never came home and I am certain she became a meal for a hawk. It's been so long since I've posted here that I cannot recall if I've mentioned the kittens. I found a family with some barn kittens and picked out two of them. They were supposed to be males named Leonard and Sheldon but we were wrong and they are females and are actually Penny and Bernadette. They will be spayed next month, so yay for not having a pack of feral cats sprout from our garage. Responsible barn cat ownership for the win. I promised Mr K these kittens would be outdoor animals and they are (now) but because we had to have them separated from Scooter until they were old enough to defend themselves in case he attacked them, they lived inside for a few months. Penny is the larger of the two, she is a grey tabby who loves to cuddle, play and step on my keyboard. Bernie is smaller, and a tuxedo coated gal who is a ferocious hunter. She bagged a small wild rabbit when she was a few months old. It was bigger than her. Granted, I think the poor hare had a heart attack and was not actually killed by the then tiny kitten, but last week, she caught a squirrel that was her size, not including its tail. I know she actually caught and killed it due to walking into the garage at the moment when said nutty bandit was struggling against her hold on its neck in futility. Some may think me cruel to have let it happen but we got both kittens to help control the rodent population. We live in the middle of a stretch of forest surrounded by farmland. Critters abound and we prefer them not to live the high life within our domicile. Enter the kittens. Barn cats are awesome.
This spring, my goal is to make time to do more yoga. I like what little I have tried on my own.
Hoping to sleep soon. I've finally fogured out the cause for the insomnia-like wakefulness. I had two sips of coffee at 5pm. Apparently caffiene does affect me. I've cut out caffeine after 2pm in an effort to have a more regulr sleep pattern. It works. Most nights I am out by midnight. Tonight, though, I can feel the sluggish alertness that comes from coffee ingested late int he afternoon. If I didn't love the ritual of drinking coffee so much, I'd cut it out of my routine for good. I've replaced coffee with herbal teas and man do they help.

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