Let me just tell you how our girl sleeps nowadays. We put her in the sleep sack to keep her warm, as the SwaddleMe wraps are useless. The kid breaks loose in a manner resembling The Hulk breaking loose from chains around his torso. She pops open the Velcro and kicks her way free in less than ten minutes of being swaddled. So no more swaddle, just the sleep sack. As of about three weeks ago, A learned to roll over from back to belly and now realizes just how much she loves sleeping on her belly. Anyhow, we change, feed, and dress our innocent little cherub for bed, Daddy gets her to sleep, and lays her on her back in her crib. The soothie is either in her mouth or next to her head, depending on whether or not she's spit it out like an outlaw expelling spittle into a spittoon. Two minutes later she's on her belly, arms tucked up under her chest and her head facing her right shoulder with drool (when is she not drooling?) pooling on her sheet. This is how she sleeps from about nine or ten at night until anywhere from four to eight in the morning.
So back to our day- it is around three thirty and the wind has conveniently booted the clouds off for a bit and that big nuclear reactor in the sky is shining down warmly on us. Squirrels are arguing, birds are playing tag, and my yappers are yelling about it all. Even the
*Sigh* Domestic bliss. Baby chattering away discovering spitting, the dogs frolicking, the
So go me! I got one weed sproutling pulled! Not bad for an hour's worth of work setting up the yard and all the paraphernalia for baby watching (her watching me as I attempt to garden-she is the supervisor you know).
And so ends my glorious day from God. Ten minutes of lovely sunshine!
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