Today was a hard day when I awoke and realized it has been twelve years.
No matter how old I get I will remember the utter despair, the helplessness and the fear from that horrid day. From hearing my teachers talk about it, to walking in my front door to see my parents sitting on the sofa and seeing the first images from that morning at 4 in the afternoon as I stepped through the door. My heart broke all over again, remembering telling a good friend as we walked together to English class "We're at war. There is no way we are NOT at war now...." Then the crying. Not sobbing but the whole "tears welling, throat swelling shut silent crying."
Chris gave me a one armed hug and agreed quietly.
The years passed, the images showed up less and less each anniversary, and here, twelve years later, it still hurts as much as it did when I was in high school and learned how truly horrific foreign terrorism can be. This, following April 19, 1995 and how domestic terrorism already made me feel helpless and angry.
I have no answers, no wise words for the masses, just heartache over the hatred, ignorance, fear, and senseless tragedies that I have witnessed thus far in my life.
On to the happier part of this post.
Today was busy and hot. We hired a local tree service to come remove two dead trees for us. It is NOT in our budget, but we both agree that the cost of cutting them down far outweighs the risk of them coming down in parts during winter storms, potentially causing damage to our home, requiring us to pay a hefty deductible to have insurance pay for home repairs. In winter. With snowfall and freezing temperatures. Yeah, paying to prevent those makes me feel a quite a bit better.
The tree guy showed up, and Zee ran off. Again. She pulled this running off thing back during a thunderstorm in early spring. Eleven days later, she showed up 3 miles away, skinnier than a bean pole, bedraggled and scarred up but alive and well. Then today, the guys showed up earlier than expected so Zee took off. She was gone about four hours. Around the time K was coming home from work she trotted back into the yard like nothing was the matter. Knucklehead!
After the tree guys left, i realized that in my exhausted state of little sleep, after my shower this morning, I forgot to put my pump back on, so I went hours with no insulin >.< Not good. I put if back on and spent the remainder of the afternoon until K arrived recovering from spiking a high blood sugar. K used his awesome power tool to work on the old pile of trees left by the previous owner. Good times were had by all.
The tree guy showed up, and Zee ran off. Again. She pulled this running off thing back during a thunderstorm in early spring. Eleven days later, she showed up 3 miles away, skinnier than a bean pole, bedraggled and scarred up but alive and well. Then today, the guys showed up earlier than expected so Zee took off. She was gone about four hours. Around the time K was coming home from work she trotted back into the yard like nothing was the matter. Knucklehead!
After the tree guys left, i realized that in my exhausted state of little sleep, after my shower this morning, I forgot to put my pump back on, so I went hours with no insulin >.< Not good. I put if back on and spent the remainder of the afternoon until K arrived recovering from spiking a high blood sugar. K used his awesome power tool to work on the old pile of trees left by the previous owner. Good times were had by all.
My manly and lovely Mr K.
There is something simply yummy about a man properly using a chainsaw.
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