I feel like this place is ignored except for my visits to randomly ramble on about whatever happens to be floating through my mind. I'm cool with that.
I've been reading different blogs. I will go to one that catches my eye, go to the beginning and read the posts in chronological order. I enjoy this very much. The current one is from a mommy who has a child with special needs. She is anonymous enough to keep her privacy but open enough to share her life with the blogosphere and I love it that she shares her kids' triumphs and the little things.
If I were a decent writer, this blog would be organized, a fun/interesting read, and be bringing back followers. Alas I simply have an online journal that the world can see.
Onto Booger. Booger is doing well. she can crawl-and crawl forward!! She is no longer stuck in reverse gear. Go my little angel! She like eating fruit chunks from a can with only juice, no heavy syrup for her. She is only eight months and does not need all that extra sugar. She has had a taste of mommy's Splenda sweetened fruit pop and loved it. She is a puffs fiend. She's go through a full container if we let her. Her favortie food is sweet potatoes, but has her daddy's appetite and love of all foods. There's nothing she won't try so far. she even had canned mixed veggies with lima beans sans skins and enjoyed them. Go A!
She has her nine month checkup at the beginning of August so we get to see her current stats. My only concern will be her head shape. Her head is still flat on the back, despite only reasting on her back while in the carseat. Her left side bugles out and the right seems okay. You don't notice this unless her hair is wet and slicked down. I think I'm going to give her a wep mop of hair during the visit so the ped can see just what has mommy concerned.
After her surgery for hernia repair, she has gone from not rolling over to crawling!!!!! She is a happier girl, even mre so than she was pre-repair. I am amazed at her babbling, her consonant sounds and every thing she has learned so far. She *knows* how to hold her bottle but chooses not to. She knows how to use a soft spout sippy but again chooses not to. At this point, being that she is under a year, I am happy with this and not concerned. We will transition when the time comes.
My prediction for her ped's appointment is as follows:
-Her head circumference is still below the growth curve but following it
-He'll say her head will be alright, but I will challenge this because a head is not supposed to bulge.
-She will be less than twenty pounds but more than 16
-He will be happy overall with how she is progressing.
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