
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Could this be how it is for the Wee One?

     This morning, I woke up, I looked around, saw the brown mesh covering the slats of my sleep prison. I whimpered-nothing happened. No tall ones came. I cried louder, as surely this would have them in here to tend my every need- still nothing, though..... Finally I took a big deep breath and wailed at the tall ones. Oh yes, I hear floorboards squeaking, and the shuffle of feet, the door opens and - DADDY!- I see him and  grin so big because he makes me happy. Awesome I get some time in with Daddy! I get the wet heavy diaper off and a fresh clean dry butt, and some fresh clothes. I'm ready for my day people.
     First up, I go to my spot, with all my toys and do a bit of serious play and investigating my limits, exhaust my entertainment and now on to breakfast. Time to inform Daddy- "wahgrahble-ah-uh-ooooh-agh." Ooh-he's getting up, score. I only had to tell him once. Into my high chair for my meal. yummy pears and rice cereal.
     What next? I'm going to cuddle with Daddy and watch some Battlestar Galactica. Um Dad, not the floor, cuddles. I said CUDDLES. "WAHHHH AJH OOh Unh!" Much better. Hmmm, this is comfy, I think I'll nap.
      *Yawn* That was a good power nap. I want down now Daddy. Down, please. "Grrrr, grblegrble gah." Thanks. "Bababa-aahh ba" Hey, my Pooh-bear rattle. Hey look, it's Mommy! "Eeeeeeee-ah ha ha" Yay more cuddles! I think I'll just rest my head here a bit.
     *Eyes crack open* Why are the warm furries yelling so sharply? Why am I back in sleep PRISON?! "WAH Agh! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah?!" Daddy, there you are. I need a new diaper and some food. More floor time and some new toys. But that power cord looks much nicer than this noisy piano. My only problem is I can't reach it. I need to climb over the warm furries' sleep pillow. Off I go- one hand, then another, next the knees and oof.  Try again. Ha, already there, now to see how this tastes-wah? Um Mommy why are you picking me up? And you stink! Eww, you're all sweaty?! What have I missed why sleeping.... Oh well, you'll do for keeping me happy. Oh, a bottle, good thing as I'm thirsty. Yummmm....
     *Eyes open* Again with the sleep prison? Ugh. "Wahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"  Daddy! Good to see you! Hey, I'm getting a new outfit and a new diaper again already? Outside too, how fu- HOT! "Whimper" Really Daddy? It really will be okay? If you say so, then I guess I'll let you strap me into the moving prison.  Oh Mommy's store! It is awfully bright in here, but at least everyone smiles at me so I can smile back. This is fun Daddy.
     Hey, we're home! Mommy! More smiles for Mommy and cuddles too. Now it's real fun. Tickling, I'm all for that. "Heeeeeheeeeeee-ehehehehe" Hugs, smiles kisses, oh my! This has gone on for hours now, I'm getting tired. A bottle and some food. Mommy time for you to hold me. There now I can grab that colored thing with the string on your hip. What? What do you mean I can't have Mommy's pump? But, Mommy, it's so colorful and there's a string! WHAT?! That tubing isn't for Booger? *Whimpers sleepily* "Aaeeennhhhh" Ooh, the sucky thing!  Hey why am I back in the sleep pris- oh the mobile is on. I like the mobile. I need to get comfy. Onto my belly, tuck my knees in up under me, fist my hand around my blanket, tuck it under my chin. There we go.......

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