
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jumping baby and bookworming

I have been salivating over wanting for A, a jumperoo type toy for her to enjoy. We were finally able to get one and got it together last night. By the time I went to the store, picked it up and brought it home and put together A was asleep. This morning we tried it out and it was a hit! There was one tiny little snag, her legs are about an inch too short for this toy. Hrm. Solution was to sacrifice a pillow and voila, the bebe now has a jumperoo in which to bounce, spin and play mad games.
 I am a bookworm. My nickname in school was bookwurm. It was bestowed upon me in 1st grade by a boy named John who kept calling me that all the way through high school. (Small town, USA, some kids I've known since kindergarten.) I've earned it and am proud of it. I could live in my local library. They have a cafe attached, and comfy chairs. What more could a slave to words reader need? My library has one minor flaw. They are not thorough when checking in books from the drop box. I had a two month overdue notice come in. Worried that I did in fact lose the book, I called every person I came in contact with while I had said book and no one knew where it was. Yesterday, to clear things up, I went in and looked for the book upon the shelf where it was supposed to be and wouldn't you know, there it was! This is the second time this has happened. I will henceforth immediately get to the library when smacked with an overdue notice and look for any offending materials before preparing to shell out however many nickels and quarters they ask as payment for my apparent lack of regard for return dates. In the event that my dogs and/or child has eaten any books (not happened yet, thankfully) then I will gladly pay the piper, or in this case librarian, apologize profusely and do my darnedest to get a replacement copy.

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