Monday the twentieth of June was a good day. We went on a family bike ride and enjoyed a nice supper. At twenty past seven central time, Mr K recieved a phone call from a family member who lives up in North Dakota. It was his dad, and he was letting K know he was being evacuated due to flooding of the Mouse River. K asked four or five time if he wanted us to bring the pick-up to help move out the stuff. My father-in-law repeatedly said no thanks, he would be pkay. As soon as he got off the phone, we talked and decided we HAD to go help. And we did.
We packed up both our family van and his pick-up to make sure we had a place to sleep in the event that there were no beds available once we got to Minot. Mr K, A, and myself all piled in for a long drive overnight from Monday night to Tuesday morning. We set out at 9pm, drove with frequent stop in order to make ourselves wake up, stay comfortable, attempt a nap, get gas, and generally make our way for this fourteen hour drive. Arriving about mid-day, we immediately began loading and unloading furniture. By the day's end, it was still light out at nine pm, twenty four hours after beginning our trip, thirty seven hours of being awake, and we crashed on the sofa still at my FIL's home. The next day we moved the rest of the items out and the last load was being put on the truck as the civil service sirens went off.
The home was empty, we were out of there. One more night in Minot spent at Mr K's uncle's home and we went over to visit my MIL in another part of the state.
What a crazy crazy week! We arrived home Sunday night after being in ND since Tuesday morning. I think we will be happy to not go anywhere for a while yet.
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