
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog Title Change

Since there are two minions now, I thought this random bit of the internet needed an updated name.
   Berrygirl is our first, our amazingly funny, sweet, energetic, defiant, helpful, and insistent two-almost-three year old girl.
   Bear is our second, our three month old and oh-so-different than big sister girl. She is ahead of where Berry was at her age. B1 wouldn't tolerate her belly at all, while B2 hates her back. Bear pushes up and has since she was 2 months old. She holds her head high and looks so interested in everything. B1 was more laid back, more easy-going and was on a set schedule for a long, long time. Bear, not so much.
   Bear is inconsistent. She can sleep through the night, or be up every hour. She will eat 8 ounces in ten minutes or nibble on 4 ounces over the course of an hour. Sometimes she tolerates her carseat, other times it is a nonstop scream session from the moment we sit her in it until the moment we take her out. Makes for interesting drives longer than ten minutes.

   We still have not done anything new in regards to our dogs. I emailed one lady about an elderly Yorkshire terrier but nothing came of it Our tentative plan is to get a larger breed rescue after our old house sells. I'm not going into that mess, just keep praying we get an offer, soon and adequate, so we can sell.

   I'm at pre-Bear weight but still have the excess ten pounds to go until I'm pre-Berry weight. I don't know if I will ever get there but it is a goal to focus on when I want to be healthier and eat better.

We had a small garden that failed. The only thing that didn't die immediately was carrots and corn. The carrots became home to bugs and the deer ate the corn before we had a chance to build a fence around it. Alas we shall try again next year. I envision preschool lessons with Berry while Bear eats bugs, dirt, and grass next to us.

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