My last trimester is going slowly it seems.
In less than ten weeks, MayBerry will be here.
This past weekend, we got some things done that were needed, but it still is not close to being ready for a new life here.
Spring is still forever away based on the snowfall I woke up to this morning. I miss green things. I want to do a garden this year, but how the hack am I supposed to waddle around making sure no critters get to the things I want to grow? Also, how am I supposed to go out and weed a veggie garden when I have a newborn to tend to?
So many thoughts flying through my head, so much left to do, and yet I feel stuck.
I opened my mail to find a questionnaire from federal court. I served for jury last year right before I lost JellyBean. It was a full service, we did the trial, deliberations and verdict and all that jazz.
I loved being able to serve but so much has changed since then. My only contact for childcare has moved and I will have two kids, not one to deal with. If they do not excuse me based on serving within the last two years, then I will be hauling a two year old and a newborn to a federal courthouse to illustrate my inability to serve as juror. Think the judge would throw me in lockup for contempt??? Hope not :-(
So far for the MB, we have the bassinet ready, the changing table re-assembled, some diapers found, some cloth diapers folded and ready to go, the clothes washed and sorted, the carseat washed and prepped.
We will still need to get a second base for Mr K's vehicle, we need to get a more firm date for the arrival of my mom and whether it will be for a visit or a move in date, we need to see if any other family plans to drive the 16 plus hours to come visit us, we need to sell the old house! Gah, brain = fried.
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